Validation of the "EP" psychological empowerment instrument in workers at the Atento call center company, Lima, 2020


  • Dianna Jheydi Yapias Rivera Universidad Peruana Unión
  • Cinthia Gemally Rojas Mamani Universidad Peruana Unión
  • Ricardo Elias Jarama Soto Universidad Peruana Unión



Empowerment; internal consistency; rotated components; factorial analysis


The objective of this research study is to evaluate the internal consistency and reliability of the Psychological Empowerment Scale instrument through an exploratory analysis. The instrument, created by Spreitzer (1995), adapted into Spanish by Albar, García-Ramírez, López and Garrido (2012), measures the dimensions of meaning, competence, self-determination and impact using 12 items. The previous internal consistency analyses found a Cronbach's Alpha for the whole instrument of a=0.855 and 0.875, 0.858, 0.782, 0.786 for each of the dimensions. To verify the homogeneity of the variables, KMO was first measured, obtaining an acceptable Kaiser Meyer Olkin index of 0.794 and a Chi square of 1012,366 with 66 degrees of freedom and significance level = 0.000 ( p <.001) using the Bartlett sphericity test, as a requirement for the extraction of factors using rotated components, obtaining loads for the first factor between 0.832 and 0.849; for the second factor, between 0.868 and 0.883, for the third factor, between 0.773 and 0.851 and for the fourth factor, between 0.404 and 0.926, showing evidence of a high correlation, because they are greater than 0.4, meeting the objective of seeing if they group empirically, as theoretically predicted. However, item COMP 4 (0.574, 0.328) did not obtain a load in its dimensionality and items AUT 9 (0.405), IMP 10 (0.404) and IMP 12 (0.346) obtained additional loads in other factors, which could be eliminated, but they were left in their theoretical factors, waiting for a confirmatory analysis, since their first phase results suggest their reliability.


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How to Cite

Yapias Rivera, D. J. ., Rojas Mamani, C. G. ., & Jarama Soto, R. E. . (2020). Validation of the "EP" psychological empowerment instrument in workers at the Atento call center company, Lima, 2020. Revista De Investigación Valor Agregado, 7(1), 1–10.



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