Validation of the “RM” Relationship Marketing instrument in the clients of the Cinemark company, Surco, 2020


  • Miguel Angel Gallegos Reyes Universidad Peruana Unión
  • Jose Alberto Panduro Ramirez Universidad Peruana Unión
  • Alexander David de la Cruz Vargas Universidad Peruana Unión



Relationship Marketing, trust, communication, commitment, conflict management.


The objective of this study is to determine the internal consistency and reliability of the Relationship Marketing instrument, by means of an exploratory analysis. The instrument, created by Ndubisi (2007), measures the dimensions of trust, commitment, communication and conflict management using 16 items. Within the previous internal consistency analyses, a Cronbach's Alpha was obtained for the instrument, corresponding to a= 0.883 and 0.458, 0.789, 0.657, 0.821 for its dimensions. Thus, to verify the homogeneity of the variables, estimates were made in advance using KMO, reaching an admissible Kaiser Meyer Olkin index of 0.816 and a Chi square of 695.946 with 120 degrees of freedom and significance level = 0.000 (p <.001) by means of the Bartlett sphericity test, as an indispensable requirement for the extraction of factors by means of rotated components, acquiring loads for the first element between 0.780 and 0.790; for the second element, between 0.738 and 0.779, for the third element, between 0.739 and 0.652 and for the fourth element 0.598, justifying a high correlation, because they are greater than 0.4, formalizing the objective of reviewing whether they are grouped empirically, as was predicted theoretically. However, items COMUN 10 (0.486), COMUN 11, (0.482), CONFL15 (0.148) did not obtain a load in their dimensions and items CONFI 5 (0.385), COMUN13 (0.244), CONFL16 (0.498) obtained additional loads in other dimensions, and thus could be eliminated, but they were kept in their theoretical factor, awaiting a confirmatory analysis.


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How to Cite

Gallegos Reyes, M. A. ., Panduro Ramirez, J. A. ., & David de la Cruz Vargas, A. . (2020). Validation of the “RM” Relationship Marketing instrument in the clients of the Cinemark company, Surco, 2020. Revista De Investigación Valor Agregado, 7(1), 22–30.



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