Coaching in job performance in a transport company: Case study in Ate, 2023


  • Natalia Paola De la Cerna Ormeño Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima Perú
  • Yovaly Mayely Panduro Vega Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima Perú
  • Luis Ángel Rodríguez Díaz Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima Perú
  • Alessandra Heyli Romero Gutiérrez Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima Perú
  • Dayana Belen Salcedo Santos Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima Perú
  • Juan Máximo Santa Cruz Carhuamaca Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima Perú



Coaching, Work performance, Self-awareness, Learning, Self- regulation, Perception


The objective of the research is to analyze the relationship between coaching and job performance of a transport company, Ate, 2023, for this we apply the descriptive method with a quantitative correlational approach, we worked under a population of 120 workers of the transport company, likewise it was considered to work under the confidence level of 95% and an error percentage of 5% to find the sample size, which was 92 workers. From the application of an inferential analysis, the result was obtained (Spearman's Rho is 0.345), that is, there is a medium positive relationship between coaching and job performance, which concluded that the company should invest and promote coaching to increase job performance. Similarly, for the relationship between self-awareness and job performance with an average positive correlation (0.373), self-regulation and job performance with an average positive correlation of (0.263), coaching and learning with an average positive correlation of (0.322) and finally the considerable positive correlation of (0.560) between coaching and perception within the company.


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How to Cite

De la Cerna Ormeño, N. P., Panduro Vega, Y. M., Rodríguez Díaz, L. Ángel, Romero Gutiérrez , A. H., Salcedo Santos , D. B., & Santa Cruz Carhuamaca, J. M. (2024). Coaching in job performance in a transport company: Case study in Ate, 2023. Revista De Investigación Valor Agregado, 11(1), 1–16.