Financial culture and its influence on the entrepreneurial capacity of fourth and fifth year students of the Professional School of Administration of the Peruvian Union University, Lima 2023




Financial culture, Entrepreneurial capacity, Factors of entrepreneurial capacity


The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of financial culture on the entrepreneurial capacity of fourth and fifth year students of the Professional School of Administration of the Peruvian Union University, Lima campus. The article is a literature review, and to do so, sources have been consulted through different high-impact databases such as Scopus, Google Scholar and journals. Thus, the population of 53 references and the final sample of 31 references with which the research was carried out. The results of this study serve to find in a literary way the influence of financial culture on the entrepreneurial capacity of university students. The entrepreneur can innovate in various entrepreneurial factors, in such a way that it contributes to the economic growth of the country, positions its business in the market and has a beneficial impact on sustainable development. It goes beyond just creating companies and the perceptions that are born at a special moment regulate the attitudes of forming a novel enterprise with a notable added value. According to the bibliography analyzed, we can maintain that financial culture influences the entrepreneurial ability of university students. In this way, we can apply the study to the School of Administration at the Peruvian Union University, in its Lima campus.


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How to Cite

Hancco Pantoja, M. J., & Bejarano Auqui, J. F. (2024). Financial culture and its influence on the entrepreneurial capacity of fourth and fifth year students of the Professional School of Administration of the Peruvian Union University, Lima 2023. Revista De Investigación Valor Agregado, 11(1), 70–80.