Quality of service and customer satisfaction of the company Alpecorp S.A., 2018


  • Santos Víctor Burgos Chávez Escuela Profesional de Administración, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, Universidad Peruana Unión
  • Thalia Carolina Morocho Revolledo Escuela Profesional de Administración, Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, Universidad Peruana Unión




Quality of service, customer satisfaction, reliability, sensitivity, empathy, tangible elements, security


The objective of the research is to determine the relationship between quality of service and customer satisfaction in the company Alpecorp, 2018. It was executed considering the following types: Cross-sectional, whose data were collected through two surveys, according to the scale of Likert applied to 69 clients. The instruments were validated by expert judgment and Cronbach alpha statistics. The quality of service variable was measured with the SERVQUAL model, which is made up of five dimensions: Reliability, Sensitivity, Safety, Empathy, and Tangible Elements. The model for measuring satisfaction was that prepared by Agustín Alexander Mejías-Acosta, Sergey Manrique -ChirkovaI presents five dimensions: perceived functional quality, perceived technical quality, perceived value, confidence, and expectations. It is thus that we have as a result that the quality of service and the customer satisfaction of the company Alpecorp, are related to a Spearman's Rho of 0.821, which indicates a direct and positive relationship, and a p-value equal to 0.000 ( p <0.05), so the relationship is highly significant. In conclusion, both the quality of service and satisfaction are closely related to the perception of Alpecorp customers, as it is a linear and positive relationship it is estimated that, if the quality of service increases, Customer Satisfaction will also increase. vice versa.


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How to Cite

Burgos Chávez, S. V. ., & Morocho Revolledo, T. C. . (2020). Quality of service and customer satisfaction of the company Alpecorp S.A., 2018. Revista De Investigación Valor Agregado, 5(1), 22–39. https://doi.org/10.17162/riva.v5i1.1279



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