Burnout syndrome and its relationship with job performance in workers at the Good Hope Clinic, 2022.


  • Karen Melissa Rengifo Vega Presupuestos y Compras Logísticas, Clìnica Good Hope Lima - Perú




Burnout, performance, work stress, productivity


The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between burnout síndrome and its relationship with Job performance in orders at the Good Hope clinic, year 2022. The type of research of this research project was quantitative, descriptive, correlational, because the variables are susceptible to quantification; In addition, the results are sought through the measurements. The purpose of the quantitative and correlational approach research is to evaluate the relationship between two variables, in addition, the descriptive analysis was carried out to know the behavior of the data, regarding burnout and job performance. The research design was non-experimental, correlational, non-experimental studies are carried out without the deliberate manipulation of variables, in which the phenomena are only observed in their natural environment and then analyzed. The object was to establish joint relationships between the different variables that characterize the study phenomenon, and cross-sectional in relation to time, since information will be collected by applying the instrument in a single moment, the sample with which we worked was 300 workers, likewise there were collection instruments for both burnout and job performance, under a sampling at the convenience of the author. It was concluded that the correlation of the general hypothesis between the burnout síndrome variable and work performance, which is shown with a low, direct and significant association (Rho = 0.461), affirming that the better the syndrome is managed, the better the work performance.


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How to Cite

Rengifo Vega, K. M. (2022). Burnout syndrome and its relationship with job performance in workers at the Good Hope Clinic, 2022. Revista De Investigación Valor Agregado, 9(1), 28–42. https://doi.org/10.17162/riva.v9i1.1879