Emerging Offshoring Strategies in Global Supply Chain Management
Strategy, Offshoring, Supply chain, BenefitsAbstract
After the COVID-19 crisis has disrupted the global supply chain, companies are considering relocating their operations to other geographical areas, that is to say, relocating to restructure their global footprint. Because of this, offshoring is becoming a strategic response to reduce geographic risk and increase resilience to possible future shocks, so this strategy of offshoring may be driven by factors such as cost reduction, access to skilled talent and the need to optimize supply chains on a global scale. The aim of this research is to identify the main reasons for the implementation of companies' offshoring strategies in supply chain management, and then to establish certain recommendations for those companies that do not use these strategies, especially in Latin America. The research model is a systematic review focused on the benefits of offshoring strategies implemented by companies. For this purpose, we proposed a search in two sources: Scopus and Web of Science (WoS) and an analysis following the PRISMA method. In addition, 12 benefits of the offshoring strategies that organizations implement to restructure their production footprint at a global level are presented as results. This study concludes with 7 main reasons for the implementation of offshoring strategies in companies, among which are: the reduction of production costs, access to the foreign market, the implementation of transfer prices, the saving of lower labor costs, the contracting of highly qualified workers, access to new technologies and knowledge, and the reduction or diversification of risks that helped organizations to optimize their costs and restructure strategic resources. For this reason, companies from these Latin American countries are recommended to use these strategies to help them generate a competitive advantage in the supply chain, making it more complex, efficient, agile, productive and competitive in foreign markets.
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