A theoretical review of the adoption of e-commerce


  • Ronaldo Domingo Chavez Vilcahuaman Universidad Peruana Unión
  • Monica Nicole Aldaba Murrieta Universidad Peruana Unión
  • Carlos Eduardo Corrales Baldoceda Universidad Peruana Unión




electronic commerce, e-commerce, satisfaction, loyalty, perceived security


The purpose of this paper is to present a brief theoretical approach to the adoption of electronic commerce (e-commerce). This conceptually started from a notion of profitability strategy for companies that provide services and commercial organizations. The Technological Acceptance model proposes to forecast a group or organization that adopt a new technology in order to predict the future of its use. A conclusive definition considered for e-commerce is that it is considered as a necessary implement and instrument that allows the consumer to carry out buying and selling activities where the scope of access availability is unlimited, which generates profitability for the company through its dimensions: perceived security understood as a security control that is provided to the consumer, the loyalty of the consumer which are the attitudes that they take according to their experiences and the expectation that they have towards the company and lastly the satisfaction which are the expectations of the client of the service provided.


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How to Cite

Chavez Vilcahuaman, R. D., Aldaba Murrieta, M. N. ., & Corrales Baldoceda, C. E. . (2020). A theoretical review of the adoption of e-commerce. Revista De Investigación Valor Agregado, 7(1), 61–66. https://doi.org/10.17162/riva.v7i1.1418



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